Name of the Organisation | Zagreb Tourist Board, Plavi telefon |
Target group addressed | Wheelchair users |
How can the GP be replicated? | Other destinations can use the same technique of collecting data and mapping their areas to provide a similar kind of map. |
How does it contribute to SMART II? | The Blue Line Digital Map makes cultural landmarks and the touristic attractions more accessible and provides a route for wheelchair users where they won’t bump into obstacles, thus ensuring a seamless journey around the city. |
How can it be transferred? | The Blue Phone Association plans to share the knowledge gathered through this project with other associations interested in cooperation and wishes to make similar maps in other Croatian cities. |
Short description | This map highlights accessible routes and facilities within the city, ensuring that individuals who use wheelchairs can navigate urban spaces more easily and enjoy the tourist sights of the city. Originally, the map was developed on paper and is still free of charge at the Tourist Board’s information centres but one can download a digital version to have it on a mobile device. Thanks to this map, users can adapt their accessible route to their wishes and needs and explore the city by taking routes where there are no obstacles that make it difficult to move in a wheelchair. |
Long description | The project was created in cooperation with the Blue Phone Association, the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences in Zagreb and the CeDePe Association, with the support of the Zagreb Tourist Board. The Blue Line Map is the result of several months of collecting data and mapping the city centre printed and digital map with accessible routes. This map puts the city of Zagreb on the list of inclusive European destinations. Their ultimate goal is to develop a mobile application but it requires large financial resources and it takes time. For now, people can download the digital version of the map which is bilingual in Croatian and in English and is intended for wheelchairs users whether they are residents of Zagreb or foreign tourists. The map takes away all the worries a wheelchair user might have when navigating through a city. When they use the Blue Line Digital Map, they do not have to worry about adequate access to the location, pedestrian crossings being accessible, etc. The map not only relieves wheelchair users of the stress of not being able to access a particular attraction, but also helps to highlight important tourist sights and enhance the cultural life of the city. |
Country | Croatia |
Source | Leading Examples of Smart Tourism Practices in Europe from the 2023 European Capital of Smart Tourism Competition |
Link to more information (organisation website) if applicable | |
“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”
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